Welcome to the Dog Trainer’s Crucible!
Hello Fellow CPDTs and CBCCs!
Thank you for visiting The Dog Trainer’s Crucible. As dog trainers and behaviour consultants, almost all of us are in business by ourselves, and we don’t always have the help or support we need. We also need to find resources and members of our industry who can be supportive of us, especially when the going gets tough.
As an introduction to our services, use this link to take our course all about how to position your business in your market! This course sells for $24.99 CAD, and you can access it at no charge using the button below!
Our community is core to who we are, and if you are able to join us for our weekly meetings, you will meet other people who know exactly what you are talking about. We have lively topical discussions, interesting live chat guests and periodic case counsels where we can share cases and discuss alternatives. We are moderated and friendly and you will be welcome regardless of your level of experience.
We are in the process of launching both business and technical courses to support your continuing education, and in the spring of 2024, we will be launching a year long close contact course for people who are brand new to the field (do you know someone who is getting ready to take their CPDT exam? This course is designed to get them prepared for the content!).
Finally, Sue offers business consulting services, including one on one coaching, CEU tracking, setting up an online school, or overall management of your business, leaving you to do what you do best; train the people and dogs who come to you for help!