We provide resources and support to dog training businesses
Develop your dog training business
Dog training and behaviour consultants often feel isolated and overwhelmed, particularly if they are new to the field. The Dog Trainer’s Crucible was developed to help address this problem. From on demand mentoring, and strategic planning, to curriculum development, we can help.
After just one session, you’ll feel more in control of your business, your goals and your life. We will help you to combine your ideas with the opportunities that come your way.
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Why a Crucible?
A crucible is a small vessel used in chemistry to combine simple substances over high heat so that a more complex substance can be formed.
In The Dog Trainer's Crucible, you can combine all you know about dogs, training, and behavior in order to build a professional business that you can be proud of!

Sue Alexander CPDT, CPDT-KSA, CBCC-KA brings 30 years as a respected dog trainer, behaviour consultant and entrepreneur to her mentoring of other behaviour professionals. Sue has mentored over 20 individuals through the CPDT exam, and teaches the Shelter Dog Training Mentorship at Shelter Behaviour Hub, as well as mentoring other dog trainers and behavior consultants in their business endeavours.
Our Services