Our Services

Mentorship on Demand

Sue describes the action of a head halter to a man with a beard, using a white board and a diagram of a skull

Dog training can be a difficult business, especially if you are new to offering training services. With over thirty years of experience, Sue Alexander can help you to move from experienced amateur to dedicated professional. Sue can help you to find educational resources, to prepare for credentialing exams and to develop coaching skills to become a recognized and effective dog behaviour professional.

Available on a case by case basis or on a weekly basis, mentoring is a valuable resource that you can have as needed.

$75 CAD/hour

Strategic Planning

Have you decided where you want to take your business? Do you need help getting there? Sue Alexander has been in the business of helping families to train dogs since 1993 and she can help you to plan how to achieve your goals in business. Sue can help you to set prices and develop systems to deliver the types of programming you can be proud of. You can meet with Sue once to resolve a specific problem, or on a regular basis to help you to stay on track!

$75 CAD/hour

Moderating Meetings

Do you need to hold a meeting? From developing an agenda, to setting timelines and deadlines, Sue is able to host meetings via Zoom or other platform. Sue is well known for keeping discussion on task, discussions moving forward and projects on track.

$75 CAD/hour

Curriculum Development

You know what you want your students to learn, but do you know how to sort that information into meaningful chunks so that your students can succeed? With a background in Experiential Education, Sue Alexander can help you to better understand how your human learners learn, and how to build courses that your students will enjoy and return to revisit again and again.

$75 CAD/hour

Case Reviews

With over 25 years of behaviour consulting under her belt, Sue Alexander brings the experience of having worked with thousands of dogs and their families when consulting with behaviour professionals. Sue is an inaugural member of the International Association of Animal Behaviour Professionals, and is a Certified Dog Behaviour Consultant. She is also a Certified Professional Dog Trainer-Knowledge and Skills Assessed, and a Certified Behaviour Consultant Canine-Knowledge Assessed. Sue’s experience and education allow her to evaluate even the most complex cases, and help behaviour professionals to gain insight and come up with solutions to help the dogs in their care.

$75 CAD/hour