Dog Welfare

The welfare of our dogs and our client’s dogs is always at the forefront of what we do as dog trainers. We are constantly evaluating and re-evaluating the welfare of dogs in our care, even if we do so only informally or indirectly. Our brand-new webinar, Dog Welfare: An Overview, will give you a better idea of how we define, measure, and apply the concept of animal welfare to our work as dog trainers.

What We Cover

  • Definitions

    What is welfare? We cannot evaluate the welfare of dogs unless we have a definition of welfare. We need to both what good and bad welfare looks like for a dog.

  • Models

    We will go over a number of models of animal welfare, including the Five Freedoms, the Five Domains, and the Three Circles Model.

  • Measurements

    We'll look at the three main types of measures used to evaluate animal welfare. We will also go over a number of animal-based measures specific to dogs.

  • Quality of Life

    When clients are considering quality of life decision, they will often consult their trainer for advice. We will discuss some tools you can use to help your clients through this challenging process.

  • One Welfare

    One Welfare recognizes the relationship between animal welfare, human wellbeing, and the environment. To best help our clients and their dogs, we need to consider each of these and how they are connected.

  • Case Study

    We will go through a case study to illustrate how we can apply these principles to our work as dog trainers.